13 June 2005
Connecticutt Trip, Prof. William Foster
Prof. Foster is amazing! He is just another example of these wonderfully intelligent people I have had the honor to meet along the way to making this documentary a reality. He is a comic book historian. I had never heard of such a title previous to my encounter with him at ECBACC 3 last year. Well this past ECBACC 4 he gave a wonderful talk about the history of Blacks in Comics. I have to say he took me back to my youth when I received X-Men, Spider-Man, Batman, etc. comic books from my grandmother. The interview with him was just as energetic and informative. The only crazy part was that we took the train up, then halfway there, due to track construction we ended up on a small, stinky and crowded city bus with all our equipment, sitting next to a few over partied men still hung over from the Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York City from the day before... ;0) -) Oh well.